Book Review: Amongst Our Weapons, by Ben Aaronovitch


The Rivers of London is a good series and I’ve enjoyed the previous volumes, so I was quite excited with new release.

What to Expect

Expect another typical Peter Grant supernatural crime blend, reading like a modern British police procedural novel except that the crimes (and police people) deal with magic. By now Aaronovitch is well into stride, and carries the series well with fluent writing and engaging characters.

This time it’s about events set in motion during the Inquisition period of Spain. Aaronovitch concocts a wonderful blend of historical detail, modern policing method, and a demi-monde of the supernatural living just under the eyes of normal people.

What I liked

As the novel deals with events dating back to the inquisition, everything from the title onwards is steeped with pop references to Monty Python’s sketch. Plenty of light-hearted jokes, action, and occasional serious moment keep this novel and series…

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